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Pepperoni & Tomato Frittata in skillet

Pepperoni & Tomato Frittata

Quick & Easy Jump to Recipe

Prep Time

Cook Time

Meal Type

Cook Method

Baking & Sheetpan


2 tablespoons olive oil
½ cup chopped onions
½ cup chopped green pepper
½ cup chopped mushrooms
10 eggs
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
¼ cup sliced cherry tomatoes
cup shredded mozzarella cheese
cup Parmesan cheese
½ cup HORMEL® Pepperoni
cup cherry tomatoes, sliced


  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.

  2. Heat the olive oil in an oven-proof skillet and add the onions, peppers and mushrooms.

  3. While the vegetables cook, mix the eggs, salt, pepper, Italian seasoning and cheeses in a bowl. Combine well.

  4. After 10 minutes pour the egg mixture into the skillet, and shake it to distribute everything evenly.

  5. Lay the pepperoni and sliced tomatoes on top of the eggs.

  6. After about 2 minutes, when the eggs start to set on the side of the pan, put the skillet into the oven.

  7. Cook for 12 to 15 minutes or until the center is set and frittata is puffy.